Meet in Budapest on the 6-7th of October 2023!
Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage
The DOCONF2023 is the 5th international doctoral/post-doctoral
abstracts accepted
The DOCONF is a bi-annual event in Budapest to meet doctoral supervisors and students, teach and learn from each other. The BME Department of Urban Planning and Design wishes to promote cooperation among doctoral institutions in architecture and urbanism and tries to facilitate academic network building for future generations of scholars through their specific fields of research related to post-socialist urban heritage.
The DOCONF series provides a comparative overview of ongoing doctoral research focusing on the urban challenges related to the inherited urban physical context of the post-socialist cities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and post-soviet Asia. Those invited include doctoral students, candidates, or post-doctoral researchers (with a PhD or DLA degree earned after the 1st of January 2017) specializing in architecture, urban design, urban planning, or landscape architecture.
Since 2015, the DOCONF has allowed young researchers and their tutors to find and build a relevant international community with similar academic backgrounds. However, DOCONF functions as an efficient teaching and learning activity on the doctoral level: abstract and full paper writing, presentation in person, open discussion, and double peer-review proceedings develop the skills and competencies of the participants.
Besides that, Budapest is waiting for you to discover and face its post-socialist urban heritage as well.