DOCONF2025’s registration fee is 100 eur / person. It partly covers the publication process, the catering during the two conference days, and the opening evening dinner on the 9th of Oct (the Organizers pay the remaining amount).
The conference presentation should be given by the doctoral student(s) or postdoc(s), not the supervisor or senior researcher. So the fee is if you are the only Author (100), if you have a co-Author but he/she won’t participate at the Doconf in person (100), and if both of you will be present in Budapest (2×100). Otherwise, the program is funded by the BME Department of Urban Planning and Design, the Foundation for Urban Design, and other potential sponsors.
It is free of charge if you are Chair (with or without paper), Guest, doctoral student/candidate, or postdoc of the BME Department of Urban Planning and Design.
The Foundation will issue an invoice for everyone, but it is possible to get it in advance (before the bank transfer if your institution is paying your fee). In that case, the transfer must be received by September 15th at the latest.
If you it is enough to get the invoice after the payment, you have to transfer the amount to this address directly:
Városépítészetért Alapítvány
GIRO NUMBER: 10702215 – 48212302 – 51100005
IBAN NUMBER: HU73 10702215 48212302 51100005